Yes, Chair, I'm wrapping up.
Thank you for the intervention by the honourable member from one of the Hamilton ridings. There are four Hamilton members, if I'm not mistaken, and they all do a great job for their constituents, so thank you for raising the issue of relevance and repetition.
In the last 10 minutes it has been said that the Prime Minister's mother, Margaret Trudeau, came to the city of Vaughan and gave a speech to over 1,000 individuals in the city, in my riding, and actually right next door to the training facility for the carpenters union. I love my union members in my riding, Mr. Green, and I got the training facility for the LiUNA local 183 and the carpenters. My Dad was a labourer, a carpenter, and a proud union member, so I have to point that out.
I have to point out that the Prime Minister's mother came and gave a speech on mental health to 1,000 people. This motion, if passed, would want to see the records of this individual coming to give a speech on mental health and telling her story. That is important for Canadians to know. The Conservative Party of Canada is writing motions down, and Canadians need to know where it is going with them. If that is where we have come to, I am really sorry to see that.
With that, Chair, I will stop at this time and cede the floor to the next honourable colleague.
Thank you very much, Chair, and thank you, colleagues.