Thank you very much for that. I really appreciate it. I understand that you are investigating, so I won't ask you any more on that. I just wanted to clarify that.
In the last Parliament, our committee sent the government a number of recommendations on strengthening the role of your office and ensuring that we get stronger protections for Canadians' privacy rights, the rights of our citizens. I have spoken with many people in the privacy and data field who have looked at this new legislation, Bill C-11, and they're raising concerns that this legislation may actually hinder a number of the objectives that we had laid out at our committee in the previous Parliament. One of those is the issue of meaningful consent.
You state that the consumer privacy protection act “leaves out an important facet of our current legislation, the idea that meaningful consent requires that the person giving it understands the consequences of what they are consenting to.” You further state that you believe this law “would result in less consumer control than under the current law”.
Can you explain your concerns?