Thank you.
Time is absolutely important, because we have responsibilities. We have agreed to the meetings to finish the pandemic report and have it reported back to Parliament, I think by June 10, so that's there.
I think what my colleagues from the Liberals have brought forward is very reasonable. It allows us to at least say that we've touched all the key areas. There are many other areas, but obviously time has run out. This would allow us to finish the report.
I would trust my colleagues that we're agreed that these would be the final meetings and that we move on. I think we would all agree to doing so. We could put it in the motion as an amendment and vote on it, or we can just say that we all recognize that time is ticking and we have to get this done and that we get that meeting.
I'd say we vote on it now, because Mrs. Shanahan also has a motion, and we probably want to hear that one. If, then, we could just vote on this, I think we can agree that this would be the final meeting on this study. We'll wrap it up. We will have done a good opening round of work for the Canadian people, one that has raised a lot of questions.
We can't answer them all, but this is a good way to have opened up a study that people can look at. Maybe in a future Parliament or down the road, someone else will take it up from where we've started, but we need to finish it off.
I don't know that we need Mr. Barrett to put it in writing, I think we can just agree that this will be the end and that we move on from here.