I'm afraid it's not for me to have a view on that. There are two different approaches basically. Parliament and its committees have a role; the commissioner has another role. We have completely different objectives and modes of operation.
When I proceed to an examination under the act or an inquiry under the code, I do so with the focus being on what the code or the act requires me to do. We did follow with interest what was going on before committees. Essentially it was a source of some inspiration, but we had to validate. We did not rely on anything that was only said before a committee. We had to basically go and ask again, because we were denied permission by the finance committee to use it—or failure to give permission was interpreted as a denial of permission.
We were on parallel tracks, and we have very different objectives and very different modes or methods. I respect the methods used by Parliament, and I wish Parliament would respect the method I'm using in conducting my examinations.