Thanks, Chair.
I agree with Ms. Gaudreau's sentiment. I'm just curious as to whether there is an interest from the mover of the main motion or the amendment that we include language saying that this concludes the study and that the committee then provide instructions on drafting to the analysts.
I'm a little reluctant to move the amendment. I appreciate that this is how we make a decision on it. I'm a little reluctant to move it because my intention is to not prolong this discussion. I'm comfortable with the hour proposed from Mr. Angus, the proposed hour in the amendment. It all makes sense. My concern is that time is at a premium. The two meetings next week are committed.
There's been mention of a proposal from Mrs. Shanahan, which I can't speak to until it's been tabled at the committee, but I see some agreement on it.
I'm not sure of the best way to do this, Chair. Is the preference of the chair that I move the amendment or that I defer to the mover of the main motion, perhaps, and cede my time there? My intention is that we include language on concluding the study and providing instructions on drafting to the analysts, following the conclusion of that two-hour meeting.