Yes, thanks, Chair.
Just in response to MP Shanahan's comment that I was telling a story, I'd invite her to speak to Mr. Louis-François Brodeur, who I believe is with their House leader's office. I have an email chain here that supports what I said. The Liberal Party, the government House leader's office, is being non-co-operative and disingenuous in their comments that they were interested in reaching some kind of consensus.
We heard from Ms. Shanahan's colleagues that the filibusters would end when there was an agreement with the House leaders. Well, an agreement can only be reached if people respond and act in good faith.
I would add that it's not in good faith if someone told her a story that they didn't receive the emails and that there hadn't been an attempt in discussions. This proposal was circulated to all recognized parties—to the Bloc, the NDP and the Liberals. I can tell you that conversations have been two ways with both the third and fourth parties, but we get radio silence from the Liberals. That's called “bad faith dealing”, Chair.
To come here today and suggest that what I have said—to put on the record that they're dealing in bad faith—is a story, is unfortunate. I think if Ms. Shanahan would like to see the evidence that her counter-claim was in fact false, I'd be pleased to present it to her. Otherwise I would invite her to correct the record and offer an apology. It is disappointing, to say the least that, when I can offer facts, the conjecture offered by the Liberals is not helpful when we're looking to deal in good faith and the government House leader's office is doing the opposite.
Thank you, Chair.