No, that was not the case. In fact, I have the speakers list beside me. The speakers list was not exhausted, and there was not unanimous consent to go to a vote.
As long as there are people on the speakers list, colleagues, then my job as the chair is to make sure that everybody has their voice heard. In fact, right now, I was going to review the list with you, so I might as well do that now while we're dealing with how the eventuality of that meeting happened.
Monsieur Gourde was speaking when the technical difficulty happened. That's why I think that because of this eventuality I'd like to go with the speakers list, because it terminated due to a technical difficulty, not because of any ongoing debate of the committee.
Presently, I have Monsieur Gourde, Mr. Barrett, Madame Gaudreau, Mr. Warkentin, Mr. Dong and Mr. Fergus. Also, is that Blaney that I had on there? Yes, it is, and Mr. Drouin, neither of whom, of course, are on right now, I think, and Madame Shanahan. That was the list when we adjourned subsequent to the technical difficulties. Right now, I think the best way to proceed is that we'll start with Monsieur Gourde, and then we'll ask all these others who are on the list if they want to remain on the list.