Thank you, Mr. Chair. I do find it disappointing that the committee is not able to return and focus the diligence and judiciousness of all members here in studying the matters that are impacting all Canadians.
I will go back to the amendment at hand that we're discussing, but there was a story over the weekend with regard to an entity collecting five million images of Canadians. I'm a big believer in privacy. I'm a big believer in transparency. I feel it is the duty of this committee, in the day we live in, to begin to study these issues that all Canadians face. They are very serious issues. They are very pertinent issues in terms of the day we live in and in terms of the technology that's being used. Canadians have a right to know that their privacy is being protected. I plead to the committee members to stop this fishing expedition, to stop wasting the time of the committee's resources, and to clearly get back on track in the mandate of the committee to look at privacy.
Mr. Chair, perhaps I could get a clarification from you and ask if someone could read the amendment that we're dealing with now. It may have been emailed, and I need to check my inbox. We did adjourn for the vote. Now we are back. I just want to make sure I am on the right page in terms of what debate we are referring to. Are we referencing debate on Madame Gaudreau's amendment or are we referencing debate on the amended motion?
Can you clarify that, please, sir? Then I would like to continue after you give that clarification.