Mr. Dong, I'll just respond to that quickly.
To Mr. Gourde and all of my colleagues, we're in an interesting situation right now where we have only had one meeting a week and we are trying to fight for some extra resources. That's why we have the meeting today. It's my hope we'll have two regularly scheduled meetings after the Remembrance Week recess. That will be more consistent and you will be able to plan for it. If we go over time, that's generally the decision of the committee. Even as far as recessing or adjourning is concerned, I can call an adjournment or somebody can move a motion to adjourn, but it can always be challenged.
I'll do the best I can to make sure that you're advised as early as possible and try to keep it on a predictable basis, but because of the nature of the business of the committee, there are aspects that aren't predictable. I will try my best to manage them, but that's not always possible.
Mr. Dong.