Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I appreciate all of the interventions. I think we have had a good, very respectful discussion on this.
We've also talked, Mr. Chair, about the importance of moving on to some other issues, and very important issues, by the way—privacy, and facial recognition. I understand Mr. Green has a motion that I think is good for this committee to move forward on.
But this is not about resubmitting or rehashing.... This will inform the work we do not just now but going forward. I will remind you again, Chair, that much of this work basically fell off the table as a result of the election, so there is a response from the government that can come forward. But understanding and listening to the debate of my respectful colleagues I will suggest, if it's okay with you, Chair, that we move to study this for, I'm going to suggest that it not be for more than four days so we can move forward.
I would make amendment to the motion.