Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I won't take but a minute.
I certainly hear often from constituents and many Canadians that they're curious about the status of the previous study, called “Questions of Conflict of Interest and Lobbying in Relation to Pandemic Spending”, more often referred to as the WE Charity situation. As a member of this committee during the first part of the last Parliament, certainly I hear many of these questions.
Today, Mr. Chair, I would like to give notice of the following motion:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(h), the committee undertake a study into issues of conflict of interest and the Lobbying Act in relation to pandemic spending, provided that (a) the evidence and documentation received by the committee during both sessions of the 43rd Parliament on the subject be taken into consideration by the committee in the current session; (b) the committee adopt the report entitled “Questions of Conflict of Interest and Lobbying in Relation to Pandemic Spending”, originally adopted as the committee's second report in the second session of the 43rd Parliament; (c) dissenting or supplementary opinions be submitted electronically in both official languages to the clerk of the committee within 48 hours of the adoption of this motion; and (d) the chair table this report in the House on or before March 31, 2022.
Mr. Chair, I'm aware of the important business that this committee has to discuss today. I'm not looking to debate this today, but rather to simply give notice of motion so that it can be dealt with—hopefully, expediently—in a future meeting. I would further note, Mr. Chair, that an electronic version will be sent to the chair post-haste.
Thank you very much.