In that trust, we're looking at scenarios for our federal employees in a world where, increasingly, your cellphone is a reflection of almost every aspect of your life, whether it's your mobility or.... I think about the apps I have on my phone. I have health tracking apps and different things that are deeply personal to me. As a federal employee.... I think even about the watch I'm wearing, for instance, and the heartbeat. It tracks everything—finances and absolutely everything.
We've talked a lot about the technological aspects and context of this technology. We haven't spoken about the human context, which is ultimately on the other side. There's somebody who has access to this.
In your work, do you review who, precisely, has access to the information? Is there a level of clearance or security, or is this a mid-level IT guy who might want to check to see if I have pictures of or text messages to somebody they may or may not like?