Chair, I'm going to take this opportunity to give a notice of motion that will be moved at a later meeting. It reads:
Given that the former President of Sustainable Development Technology Canada testified before committee last week, claiming that the Minister of Industry knew about conflicts of interest at the taxpayer-backed fund since 2019, contradicting the minister’s claim that he found out about abuse at the fund just this year, and that senior government officials misled committee about their attendance at SDTC board meetings where conflicts of interest occurred by board directors and the CEO by directing taxpayer money to companies that they have an interest in, and that a senior Department of Industry official who oversaw an investigation into the fund compromised the investigation through interference and unethical behaviour, the committee dedicate five meetings related to developments at Sustainable Development Technology Canada.
I can send that text to the clerk, Chair, but this is an incredibly important issue. When I have the opportunity to move it at our next meeting, with notice having been given, I would encourage all members to consider over the next couple of days their support for it, because this is an incredibly important issue.