Thank you very much, Chair.
Through you, I'd really like to thank Monsieur Villemure for bringing this motion forward. I sit on the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association as vice-chair. In our discussions amongst Commonwealth countries, this is the number one issue amongst parliamentarians across the world. How do we deal with misinformation and disinformation? How does it impact our democratic institutions? How does it impact how we make decisions?
I 100% agree with Monsieur Villemure as to how important this issue is. I would hope that we would spend a little bit more time than just three meetings on this. I think we need to do a deep dive into how we can make sure that governments are prepared for the changing face of technologies, for the changing face of digital media, and how it impacts the spread of information and misinformation and disinformation. I can come up with at least 10 witnesses on this issue who I think would be great contributors in terms of coming up with recommendations on how we as the Canadian government can deal with this issue, not only to provide safety and security for Canadians in the information they are absorbing at such a fast rate nowadays but also to ensure that the information we are taking in is accurate, honest and objective and is not nefarious in its objectives, as well.
I would really appreciate it if, with the consensus of the committee, we could say “at least” three meetings on this. After those three meetings, we could come back to it and see how many more witnesses we have who would be interested to speak to this and how much more information or areas within this topic we need to dive into a little bit deeper. We could re-evaluate where we would like to go with this study.
I really congratulate Monsieur Villemure for bringing up this very important topic. I think we really need to do that deep dive. I would friendlily propose that we say “at least” three meetings and re-evaluate at the end of those three meetings.
Thanks, Chair.