Thank you, Chair.
I did have a conversation with Bryan Larkin after the last meeting and with Michael Barrett, who is not here right now. However, with the public safety committee—and Glen, I think went—we went to the gun vault in an unofficial capacity, just to learn more about the issue. I think Bryan has offered to educate us more on privacy and cellphones and what they're able and not able to do.
My concern is that, if we go with a formal process, Chair, it takes quite some time, assuming it even gets approved. It could be June before we get approval to go. At that point, we'll have already finished the study and moved on to other issues, so I'm happy to coordinate this with the other four parties.
It's here in Ottawa, so it doesn't require transportation. The RCMP is able to conduct these tours in the two official languages, so we don't get into issues of not having access in French.
That would be our recommendation, Chair. I'm happy to coordinate it with Michael and the others.