I would agree on the enforcement point. I think what was interesting under Bill C-11 was that it contemplated a tribunal that would oversee, and potentially have more serious consequences over, specific violations of the act. It's something that I'm hoping we'll continue to see in the next round.
Another point that we saw to an extent in Bill C-11 was a broadening of various elements of consent as a basis for collecting, using and disclosing personal information. Again, we have to be mindful that PIPEDA is a private sector privacy law. We have to be mindful of some of the positive uses of facial recognition technology, which is why I say it has to be regulated using a scalpel, not an axe. There are some very beneficial uses, but we need appropriate safeguards to ensure that those uses are properly controlled and contained and that they feed the public interest and don't subvert our values. It's very important that we see that in whatever new reform to PIPEDA we ultimately get.