Succinctly, as per your direction, Mr. Chair, I am referring to Standing Order 108(3)(h). Again, if you're going to look that up, it's Standing Order 108(3)(h).
It specifically says that the committee's mandate is to study matters related to reports of the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, and the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner pursuant to the Conflict of Interest Act. Matters related to the conflict of interest code for Members of the House of Commons are studied by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.
It goes on to say that the committee can also study any legislation or regulation, or propose initiatives that relate to access to information, privacy and ethical standards relating to public office holders.
What I am suggesting to you, Mr. Chair, is that this motion is out of order because it does not fall under the mandate of the committee. This issue is actually currently being studied at PROC, where Mr. Cooper, Mrs. Romanado and I sit. We almost have more PROC members here than we do ethics committee members, to be honest.
I would encourage this discussion to continue in that place, and that Mr. Cooper—who isn't a member of this committee, either—move that in PROC.
I would suggest to you that based on what I've said—based on the standing order that I referenced, which you requested—this motion is not in order and you should rule it out of order.