First of all, there is the appointment process. People have to apply. Then they have an interview. The interview process involves people from the government and a couple of people from the private sector. In my case, it was a retired judge who sat on the panel.
Then whoever is selected is put forward to all the parties of the House and they have to vote. It is what happened in my case, and it was a unanimous vote. Effectively, nobody saw any problems.
Now, it's obviously the conduct that will tell.... If I or anybody occupying the position were to be in any way partisan, the whole issue would be lost. The raison d'ĂȘtre is that we make decisions on the basis of objective fact, not on our political or philosophical leanings.
The appointment requires that you be a former judge or you have formerly run an independent organization. I've done both, so hopefully that will give people some assurance that we will act non-partisan.