There's an article you're quoted in, in Politico in Europe, which says that an organization called the Alliance for Securing Democracy compiled stats that in the seven weeks after the conflict began, “Russian Facebook accounts have posted 44,000 times compared to a mere 14,000 posts in the seven weeks before the conflict began”, thus a tripling of their social media posts. This “activity on Facebook was shared almost 400,000 times collectively, a fourfold increase compared to posts published before the conflict.”
I've seen a number of different studies about social media—and I think we'll have a witness on Thursday who will be speaking to this—that talk about how Russia is trying to foment strife in North America, in Canada and the United States, turning us against each other to divert attention away from its own misdeeds in Ukraine.
I think I'm almost finished, so I'll just leave it with you if you have any last comments, Mr. Kalenský.