Thank you, Chair.
I'll allow you to be mindful of the clock. I know we have resources to two o'clock. I probably have at least two hours' worth of commentary and material to read out.
I start by sharing the initial commentary from my colleague, Mr. Kurek, on just how disappointed he was to hear the commentary from Ms. Khalid in terms of the framing of her motion and how shocked and disturbed she was. The hypocrisy from that member—and, quite frankly, the entire Liberal bench—on these two issues is just astounding. The lengths they will go to try to change the channel on where public opinion is with the Liberal Party of Canada and their leader, Justin Trudeau, really speaks to how low they have sunk, and the attempts they will make to try to fearmonger, to frighten and scare Canadians, are pretty much the entire playbook of the Liberal Party of Canada since Justin Trudeau became leader of the party. Literally, since 2013, it has all been about scaremongering.
Even before 2013, one can make the argument that going back to the 2004 and 2006 elections under PMs Martin and Chrétien, there were lengths they would go to to try to paint any leader of the Conservative Party of Canada as a bogeyman and suggest that Canadians ought to be fearful that there is somehow a hidden agenda, that they will say one thing and do another, which really is the playbook of Justin Trudeau and has been since he formed government in 2015.
It's more pronounced now because, let's face it, they're down 20-plus points in the polls. They have been down for well over a year—