We issue a lot of documents in terms of guidance and statements on issues. For instance, with a number of international colleagues in the privacy community around the world, we issued a statement on data scraping, calling on social media companies to take rigorous measures to protect the information on their social media platform to protect against data scraping, to protect against privacy breaches.
In part of that document, we also gave advice to citizens and to Canadian, saying, “Here's what you could do to protect your own.... Check your privacy settings on your apps. Make sure you're aware who you're giving permission to when you're sharing pictures of your kids, the notion of sharenting. Be mindful of the implications.”
It's important to reiterate that the primary obligation shouldn't be on individuals to protect themselves. Organizations and departments and laws have to be there, because that's one of the concerns if we delegate this too much to individuals. They need to feel there is a system and that the organizations with the tools to do it are taking their responsibility seriously.