I issued a declaration last December with the UN special rapporteur on privacy and human rights, and I highlighted the link between the protection of privacy and other fundamental rights. That includes democratic rights, so in protecting privacy, whether it's the privacy of members of Parliament, voters or citizens, we can see that there are overlaps with other sectors. That's why it's so important to protect privacy for its own sake and also because it supports and promotes other fundamental rights. That's an issue that's raised in this instance. I will certainly be interested to see where the.... The question of parliamentary privilege is a question for the House, of course, but certainly we'll be mindful and will be briefed on it.
There is a proposed modification to the Canada Elections Act vis-à-vis privacy obligations for political parties, so that's another example in which you have some intersectionality. My office has a role to play, but there are other regulators, such as the Canada Elections CEO, so this is an area where I work very closely with other regulators where there are areas of overlap, and we'll be following up.