I'm dumbfounded.
I'm surprised that, during a particularly important discussion we're having on facial recognition, where all parties seem to be expressing some grave concerns on this technology and how it affects especially people of colour, women and young people, we would play this game, and it is a bit of a game.
Mr. Chair, contrary to what my respected colleague had indicated, as far as I can see, I'm the only one who was on the committee from last year when we went through this very long debate, and then we went through, I think, a very substantive report.
May I add, Mr. Chair, for the members, for every other member who was not on the committee at the time, that every recommendation sought by the party of the member opposite was adopted in that report, every single one? It was presented to the House. I am trying to figure out why, almost one year later, we're going back through this again.
We've done some really good work in this Parliament. I sit on this committee. I sit on PROC. I've been impressed by the goodwill of members to try to put down their narrow partisan interest for the benefit of Canadians and get to some really good initiatives.
This discussion on facial recognition has been sitting around for not one year, not two years, but three years. Three years have gone by when we could have acted on this. More scraping of faces from the Internet and more people facing unfair targeting by using this technology have happened over three years. Now we're going to open up something that we have spent countless hours debating, not only debating but coming up with a report on. My friend's party got every single recommendation it sought, unamended. Are we going to go back into this again? That's a waste. It's a disappointment. I have to say, frankly, that it makes me very angry.
We've been trying to get at this study for three years. We finally got here, and every question here today....
Hats off to all my friends here around the table for their serious questions.
So now we're going to play politics with something we settled a year ago, and which has already been presented to the House of Commons?
Mr. Chair, it's ridiculous and it's insulting. It's mind-boggling.
It's really deeply disappointing.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.