Thanks very much, Mr. Chair.
I'm happy to be here at committee to address the innuendo and misinformation that has been spread by the opposition over the last few weeks.
Mr. Chair, it's the nature of partisan politics that we have vigorous and even fiery debates. It's the job of the opposition to hold the government to account. I understand this dynamic and I respect it. However, even the rhetoric of a hyperpartisan Conservative Party needs to at least take into account the actual facts of a situation.
Let's begin with an essential fact. Canada has one of the strictest ethics regimes in the world for elected officials and that is exactly what Canadians expect. I have always conducted myself in an ethical manner that follows the spirit and the letter of those rules.
On that note, I am grateful to the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner for reviewing the claims made by Mr. Barrett and the media, and for the commissioner's conclusion that there is no need for his office to look into this matter further. The impartial, independent and non-partisan body in charge of the rules has made its decision. That should be respected.
On that note, I am grateful to the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner for reviewing the claims made by Mr. Barrett and the media, and for his conclusion that there is no need for his office to look into this matter further. The impartial, independent and non‑partisan body in charge of the rules has made its decision and that should be respected.
I have always fulfilled my obligations under the Conflict of Interest Act, and I have worked with the Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner. When I was elected in 2021 and appointed to cabinet, I began the process of organizing my professional affairs in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Act.
Working with the commissioner's office, I placed my company, Xennex, and a numbered company that holds investments, under the management of a third party, as required by the act.
To act as the third party, I chose Ms. Kirsten Poon, who, in addition to being a former employee, has also been a friend of mine for more than a decade and was a person I trusted to manage things. My past business and personal relationship with Ms. Poon was, and continues to be, reported to the Ethics Commissioner's office, as required by the act.
I would also note that since my election, Xennex has ceased day-to-day operations and Ms. Poon acts, effectively, as an administrator for the companies to ensure that needed tax filing and other paperwork are filed.
Despite innuendo to the contrary, I am not a lobbyist. I have never been a lobbyist and I have never had any interest in being a lobbyist.
In fall 2021, as part of the finalization of my affairs as a private citizen, my lawyer informed Global Health Imports Corporation, or GHI, that I was leaving my position as a director. As stated in the Global News articles, it is the responsibility of a company to update the relevant federal and provincial trade records in the event of a change in director. However, since this was not done in a timely manner, my lawyer submitted the necessary update to ensure that the situation has been resolved, which is reflected in both registries. Since being elected, I have had no role in the operations of GHI. I have no idea of the financial or operational situation of this company or any of Mr. Anderson's ongoing commercial ventures.
I would now like to turn to the misinformation that some Conservatives have been trying to spread regarding these circumstances.
First, there has been much innuendo about the fact that Edmonton International Airport, which was a former client, had meetings with staff in other ministers' offices and also received grants from the Department of Transportation and PrairiesCan since I took office.
I want to be clear. I in no way facilitated such meetings. I would also note that the Edmonton International Airport is the fifth-largest airport in the country as well as a major hub for the movement of goods and people.
Second, it was noted that over the past two years, I had received revenue from Navis Group, owned by Kirsten Poon. Mr. Chair, I must say that this is already known, because I disclosed these revenues to the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner and then in my public statement, in accordance with the rules.
I also clarified that the revenues I received and disclosed were all for work I did between 2019 and 2021 as a private citizen. None of that revenue comes from work done since I took office, and none of it is related to the lobbying work done by Ms. Poon's company.
It comes as no surprise to me, Mr. Chair, that the Conservatives have tried to double down on innuendo and misdirection to try to distract from all of these facts. It appears, unfortunately, to be a deliberate attempt to mislead Canadians by portraying what has been fully disclosed to the Ethics Commissioner as scandalous, when no such scandal exists. For them, following the rules, being open and transparent, meeting all the obligations and having the Ethics Commissioner see no need to evaluate my business affairs are simply inconvenient obstacles that can get in the way of a social media clip.
Let's move on to questions, Mr. Chair, after which I'll get straight back to work serving Edmontonians, Albertans and all Canadians.