Hold on.
Mr. Green, thanks for your patience. I just needed some clarification on this.
The challenge is that we're on an amendment that effectively deletes what you're proposing, so we will need to dispose of the amendment. Then if you want to, you can introduce an amendment similar to the one you are introducing right now.
For the benefit of members of the committee, I hope you can understand and appreciate the difficulty of what's being asked here in the sense that we don't know—neither the chair nor the clerk—who the other Randy is. The difficulty lies in sending out an invitation to somebody who hypothetically may or may not exist. That's challenge number one.
Challenge number two is that I need clarification, because as the motion reads now, subject to amendment, it's “testify for one hour”. Would the other Randy be asked to testify for an hour with the other witnesses? That's what we will need clarification on when the time comes to propose an amendment after we dispose of this amendment.
Mr. Barrett, I saw your hand up. I don't know what you were—