Minister Boissonnault, no one believes you. After you misled this committee by leaving out a material fact, you lost any benefit of the doubt.
You have yet to explain how there are nine text messages referencing “Randy” when the only Randy at GHI—ever—was you. You had a 50% interest. You have a text message placing you in Vancouver. You were in Vancouver. You've now admitted that on that very day, you spoke and texted with none other than Anderson, which you weren't forthcoming about until you had no choice, because you wanted to cover your butt.
Very simply, Minister Boissonnault, do you think Canadians are stupid? Everyone knows it's you. The Randy in the text messages and the Randy in the half-million-dollar shakedown is you. You, sir, lack the character and judgment to serve in cabinet. If you had any integrity, you would resign.