Thank you.
With your ruling recognized, I'd like to move an amendment to the amendment. This is largely to remove the description of both individuals, just so we really get down to the core of what we're debating here. I hope members would agree that this is what we're trying to get in this.
I move that we strike what is on offer and debate the following: “That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee call upon Mark Carney and Jenni Byrne to testify before the committee for two hours each within 14 calendar days of the adoption of this motion.”
I think you'll find that's in order. It just clarifies what in fact we are debating, without additional language or additional baggage, which I think both sides are struggling with.
We have a clean motion that really gets to the heart of what we're debating here. It does not take away from either the motion or the amendment to the motion, but wraps it up, shortens it and cleans it up.