Maybe I can clarify it, then. The standing order that's referred to in the motion, 108(1)(a), speaks to the general powers of the committee. Standing Order 108(3)(h) speaks to the specific powers of the committee. Overall, I think that 108(1)(a)—and 108(3)(h)—as it's referenced in the motion that was presented by Mr. Barrett, actually encompasses all of the powers, general and specific, of what the committee is able to do.
The specifics of 108(1)(a) speak to the general powers of the committee, which we're dealing with, and that is very much.... Well, it's what you read. Isn't that right? It's that:
Standing committees shall be severally empowered to examine and enquire into all such matters as may be referred to them by the House—
In this case it's not. It's being proposed by a member.
—to report from time to time, and except when the House otherwise orders, to send for persons, papers and records, to sit while the House is sitting....
You can cut it both ways, but in overall terms the general powers of the committee are reflected in this particular motion. I don't know whether that clarifies it for you, but from my standpoint, I think that referencing the general powers of the committee is sufficient, and then, the specific powers, as I said, are covered under Standing Order 108(3)(h).