It's “That pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee call upon Mark Carney and Jenni Byrne to testify before the committee in relation to this apparent conflict of interest for two hours each, within 14 calendar days of the adoption of the motion.”
That's the motion as amended.
To continue, there was an amendment that was moved by Mr. Caputo that reads that the motion, as amended, be amended by deleting the words in.... Effectively, it gets rid of the entire preamble that was there. I'm not going to read through it again because I just read through it.
He also replaced the words, “That pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee call upon Mark Carney and Jenni Byrne to testify before the committee for two hours each within 14 calendar days of the adoption of this motion” with the words, “That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee call upon Mark Carney to appear for two hours, as well as Jenni Byrne and Gurratan Singh to testify before the committee, for one hour each, within 14 calendar days of the adoption”.
That's the amendment by Mr. Caputo to the motion as amended that we're dealing with.