I certainly agree with you, Mr. Sirois. If I have to be candid—which I believe I should be in these committees and in Parliament generally—I have seen a lack of political will to address this head on. Frankly, that falls at the feet of the government. I've said this at just about every committee meeting we've had. We have 11 people who have wittingly or semi-wittingly, according to our security forces, worked with hostile foreign states.
You talk about confronting this and confronting it early. I believe the term you used was “a nascent stage”. This is information that we know that our security forces know, but that we, as Canadians, don't know. We've asked so many times of our security apparatuses, yet it feels like we get no further information.
Is that just not completely the opposite of the approach we should be taking of shining the light, shining it brightly and shining it early?