I think this is really the million-dollar question of the century, how do we create business models that are going to support democracy rather than ones that are going to incentivize hate and anger and fear and frustration? I don't have a good answer to that question, but I do want to acknowledge that these things are in tension.
Coming back to the platform transparency angle, I do think that when we have insight into how platforms make the trade-offs between freedom of expression and other interests, we can better evaluate how they are doing content moderation, whether that's good for democracy or not.
The questions they are tackling sometimes are very difficult questions that don't have a right or wrong answer. Things and initiatives like the Facebook Oversight Board that are creating a public record of very difficult cases to set precedent for how these decisions are made, I think are really positive steps. I'd want to see more transparency initiatives and more efforts going into those kinds of applications.