Thank you. I appreciate that, Chair.
For us to sit here and contemplate how we are going to get somebody in a “gotcha” moment when the Ethics Commissioner himself has said that there is no gotcha moment.... I'm not sure why we are wasting the very important resources of the House. I'm not sure why we are wasting the time of the 50 people that are here in this room discussing this when we could be discussing some really significant issues that actually impact Canadians.
It's one thing to say that we need to look into this, that we need to make sure that everything was done by the book, that everything is right and that we have the right people coming before this committee to reassure Canadians that the issue is taken care of. It's another issue entirely to be badgering.
Three times the Ethics Commissioner said that there is no investigation here. There's nothing to investigate. Three times he said that, yet the Conservatives find it to be their hobby and their top priority to continually badger and harass the Ethics Commissioner into going at this issue again and again. They leverage the important resources of this committee to do that when there are so many important issues for us to be diving into. There are so many important issues for us to review, to provide recommendations on, to hear from witnesses on and to hear from experts on, yet we sit here so the Conservatives can get clips, so they can raise money off of their little fundraising pages with the little social media clickbait that they love to project.
It's unfortunate, Chair. I really wish that the party opposite, with their allies, the Bloc and the NDP, had given more consideration to government resources and to ensuring that we are doing right by this committee's mandate and ensuring that we are actually trying to help Canadians at the end of the day.
Chair, I came into this meeting with some good faith that I would be able to move forward on a motion to look into how data collection by the hotel industry and their collaboration with law enforcement can help human trafficking victims. What I've done here instead is sit and rehash something that has been completely figured out by the Ethics Commissioner three times over.
I am absolutely baffled as to how and why we got to this point. I think we can do better, Chair. I really think that we can do better. I think that we can put this matter aside and move on to matters that actually help Canadians and that help young women who are being trafficked every day in my riding, for example, and all across Canada.
At this point, though, I'd like to move an amendment to this motion. Ms. Ghaoui has already expressed an interest in appearing at this committee, so there's no reason for her to be included on the witness list that Mr. Barrett has presented.
I seek to amend the motion by removing Ms. Ghaoui's name from the motion. She is going to come before us anyway. It doesn't make sense for us to be redundant.
I'll park my comments there, Chair. I'd like to be added to the bottom of your speaking list again.
Thank you.