Thanks very much, Chair.
Do you know what? I think I've made my points.
I will just add, with respect to the ICA, in case I didn't clarify for anybody who was listening, that the ICA refers to the Investment Canada Act.
The reason I said it would be a limited study is that it has a certain classification with respect to its clearance level. The ICA is a specific classification of document, and members of Parliament.... I do have my top secret security clearance, but others don't, so I don't think this is something that should be public with respect to any review or any discussion around those documents.
With that, I will stop there, and then, again, I reiterate my points that any current director of CSIS should be able to talk about anything that has happened in its history. I don't think we need to bring in former directors. I think the job would be done with the current director. It just doesn't make sense to bring somebody back.
I'll park my comments there, Chair.
Thank you.