Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'm looking at this motion, and I'm thinking about.... Brenda touched on November 2012, when PM Harper awarded Justin Bieber the Diamond Jubilee Medal and then attended the concert with his family that night. Obviously, that's something we'd want to add, assuming we can go back that far. Obviously, there's the NHL game that Stephen Harper attended at the TD Garden in Boston with one of his ministers. There's value in going back and seeing the documents so that we can see whether these are patterns for ministers and for former prime ministers. We definitely need to have a long conversation about this motion if we want to get down to the point that Mr. Barrett is actually looking for.
Madam Khalid talked about the opening couple of paragraphs. They don't need to be there. We could have a chat, for instance, about getting rid of the whole of paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii), and working on the conversation on paragraphs (a) and (b).
I will say, Mr. Chair, that we didn't really expect a meeting today. We had a conversation about this, and it looked like there wasn't going to be one. I don't know whether it's just one member who needs to reach out to the chair to book a meeting. I assume that Mr. Barrett must have just reached out to you. I'm not sure how it all happened, and we're meeting at a different time of the day.
Obviously, the opposition-led committees have the ability and would take the ability, of course, to meet as many times as they possibly can. We don't have a problem with that. However, it does seem that this has cropped up. Mr. Barrett said that he had a motion and that we have to meet before Christmas, and we have a motion on the floor.