Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank our witness for being present with us today in person. It's a nice touch to be able to know exactly the folks who are doing such great work in our public service. Thank you very much for that.
You mentioned a few really interesting points related to the review. It was a review that was supposed to be regularly scheduled. The last regularly scheduled review was in 2012. That would mean five years from 2012 to 2017, so we're almost lapsed for a second review of the act. I understand the importance of your review and the work you've done in terms of your recommendations here. I think they're very good, and parliamentarians should take those concerns seriously.
I want to address one of them in particular, in relation to the final recommendation, recommendation 11. Recommendation 11 states, “Provide immunity against civil or criminal proceedings”. This is one that I want to wrap my head around to understand the motivation for your recommendation here. I think Canadians would also like to know what level of immunity these persons should be able to be protected by in order to actually do the work of advancing your office's mandate, and whether that is appropriate.