The 2021-22 consultations dealt with the Lobbyists' Code of Conduct, because I felt that it had shortcomings. When I decided to hold the first consultation, in 2020, it had already been in force for five years. I also had the opportunity to table reports in Parliament, in which I was able to identify these shortcomings. I want to remedy them, because the code is under my authority, as it is not a law or a regulation.
So I did a consultation, and the feedback I got was positive. Half of the people said it was fine and clear, while others were a bit more concerned about the hospitality they could offer in the context of political activities that might affect their lobbying activities later on. So I've read everyone's comments, and we're reworking the code. I'm not aiming for perfection, but I am aiming for excellence. I really want it to be a code we can be proud of. Other countries are looking at what we are doing, so I am working very hard with my team to ensure that we have a code that contains high ethical standards for lobbyists.