Yes, absolutely.
I am very concerned. The pilot did get a little bit interrupted by the pandemic, and I don't know how aggressively it's being moved forward now. I'm very concerned with the idea of using the pinpoint of the travel experience to encourage people to opt in and create these types of profiles, knowing that they're then going to be used against them, not just in border control contexts, where many marginalized communities are already at a massive disadvantage, but here and abroad, in other countries that end up implementing the same system. It's intended to be a global system. It's also with the idea that these same systems are going to then be used by the private sector for fraud detection or identity management in interactions with private companies.
The facial recognition component of this is a big part. All the errors there are going to, again, fall most heavily on visible minorities and members of marginalized communities. Then the other assessment and social ranking mechanisms that are included in this identity verification program that will sit on your device and be linked to through your facial recognition also tend to weigh very heavily and disproportionately against members of marginalized communities.
I think this is not the way to go, personally.