Well, we have not received detailed information in terms of the context and the use. That's what we look forward to receiving and to providing advice on with the facts. I think what I could say at a high level is that, on the one hand, these tools appear to be potentially highly intrusive in terms of their capabilities to gather information. On the other hand, they are also subject to an extensive regime in terms of judicial authorization and conditions. We will look at those two aspects to see the intrusiveness of the tools but also the safeguards, including the fact that they are, if they are, and the extent to which they are subject to judicial authorization and the criteria and notification—the elements in terms of the Criminal Code. We're going to look to see if, given the evolution of the technology and the capabilities, there should be more in terms of safeguards, whether it be with respect to retention policies or otherwise.
These are the things we're going to be looking at once we have the briefing and the more detailed information, as we would have done and as we would do in the context of any program where a PIA would be done.