Thank you.
I think we're getting some really good information here. In fact, in the testimony yesterday, the deputy commissioner of the RCMP volunteered to provide us with the privacy impact assessment, and there was even conversation from the testimony yesterday that they would be willing to be more forthcoming with us in camera.
You'll note in my response to that yesterday that it might be of value to this study to allow for the impact assessment to come back with the potential for an opportunity to revisit the conversation in camera to get the full disclosure and candour of the decisions that were made and how they arrived at those decisions.
I think, absent of that, Mr. Chair, we're going to be missing a significant component of this study, and we'd only then have to come back with some kind of amendment or to reopen it. I think it would be easier, procedurally, if we found a way to adjourn, pause, recess the meeting, whatever the correct procedural language is, until such time that we receive that information and are able to conclude our final thoughts on the drafting of the final report.