Oh, that would be wonderful. Desktop computers have been around for almost a half a century, and as far as I'm aware, there really isn't any substantive education yet, whether for schoolchildren in the youngest grades or even people in university. They're taught to code perhaps, but not everybody needs to code, and knowing how to code doesn't mean you understand privacy—what privacy is, how it can be undermined and how to protect yourself from clicking on the wrong thing and endangering your device, your enterprise and perhaps, in your case, the nation because of national security.
I have spoken with a variety of members of the bench from across the country over the years, and one after the other has said, “I don't know what this privacy stuff is. I'm at this conference to learn it, even though I'm adjudicating matters that are sensitive as to privacy.” There has not been enough education, and there needs to be a dedicated mandatory education component embedded as a pan-Canadian strategy, if you will, so that the provinces and territories can have the encouragement to embed this as a mandatory part of the curriculum, starting at the youngest grades.