Thank you very much.
That's a perfect segue, Chair. With the last couple of minutes of my time, I would like to move a motion. The reason is that I think we have had a bit too much innuendo and too many accusations about mass surveillance at this committee, and even outlandish comparisons of the RCMP with the German Stasi. As a committee, we should come together and show support for the important work the RCMP does while ensuring their accountability under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I will read my motion and we will circulate it to members of the committee in both languages as well. The motion reads:
That the committee affirm that it is satisfied that the RCMP is not using Pegasus or NSO Group technology; that the use of ODITs is reserved for only the most serious cases; that the approval of a request to use ODITs comes with strict terms and conditions, and must be ultimately approved by a superior court judge; that the use of these tools without judicial authorization would be a criminal offence; and that the committee supports the RCMP in their mandate to protect Canadians from terrorism, human and drug trafficking, money laundering, and murder, while ensuring accountability.
I'm repeating myself here a bit. The final line reads:
that the committee supports the RCMP in their mandate to protect Canadians from terrorism, human and drug trafficking, money laundering and murder, while ensuring accountability.
I apologize that in my copy I have it repeated, but we'll send the proper copy to all members of committee. I look forward to any questions my colleagues might have.