As you know, there were not a lot of changes, but one of the changes that really helped was giving me the authority to issue orders instead of only recommendations. I can tell you that when institutions know that an order is coming, they're moving a little faster. So it has helped us to deal with files and get informal resolutions.
Also, when we don't arrive at an informal resolution on a case—the complainant is still not satisfied or we issue an order—I love the fact that we can now publish these reports. That's something we couldn't do before. We were missing about 35 years of jurisprudence from my office, with all kinds of cases that were investigated and positions that were taken that were not publicized until the annual report. Once a year is not enough.
Now we can publish all of the reports we are issuing. It has helped us explain to complainants, “This is a very similar case to yours, and this is what's going to happen”, or explain to institutions, “This is a position that the commissioner has taken, and she will probably take the same position with your case because it's very similar.”
It really helps to resolve cases. The publishing has been a great improvement.