Before I begin, I want to thank Dr. Tam for being here, and obviously the minister before her. Thank you for your service and everything you've done during this very difficult time.
My question is probably best directed to Mr. Allison, and forgive me for oversimplifying. A lot of the technical questions have been addressed, and we're nearing the end here. I just want to compare this in a way to, say, something like Google Maps. When you open up your Google Maps—like probably every Canadian, 38 million of them—you look at your phone and it shows you where you are. I'm sure with every service provider—Rogers, Telus, Bell, whichever you have—when that dot appears, it is ultimately apparent where you are and where you're moving to.
If we look at that and we compare this information that's coming through, the mobility of Canadians, is it similar to that in some way?