Thanks, Chair.
I have some remarks on the list we have pending.
On the motion we've just passed, obviously it would depend on the minister's availability as well, I would assume. Pending the minister's availability, I don't think it should be a problem.
I have a point of clarification that I'll perhaps put to you, Chair.
With the foreign interference study, we said it was the first thing we were going to do. Procedurally, how does that work when we've all agreed on a motion that says this is the first study, and now we're delaying it a bit further? That's another one.
With respect to Roxham Road, I know we adjourned the debate or the discussion on that specifically because members were not really interested in pursuing it. I would appreciate it if we could wait for Monsieur Villemure to return before we pick up any discussions on that one, because I know he was interested in that.
That's all I have for now. Thanks, Chair.