The code for lobbyists is only applicable to registered lobbyists. Any individual who volunteers for you who is not a lobbyist is not subject to this code. It's really only for the individuals listed in a registry.
If they are registered to lobby and they do volunteer for you, there might be some consequences under the code, because they would be subject to the code. If they go and lobby you when you know they have volunteered for you, there's certainly an appearance, possibly, of a sense of obligation. It will depend on what they have done.
I have the rule to regulate lobbyists, and you have your own rules under your own code of conduct to ensure that you don't improperly further the interests of individuals whom you may know who may have helped you.
It's a whole. It's from the lobbyists' side and from the public office holders' side. It really will depend on the facts of the case and what they have done and if they're registered to lobby.