I strongly agree with your position and I'll take it one step further.
What happens if you're doing all this wonderful canvassing, then you get a job offer? These young people, who have been politically active, have met other people through the campaign. They may not be able to take that job, now. I think that's a “few and far between” example, but it enters into the calculus of young people when they start being very involved in these campaigns.
I think you're right. There is an asymmetry there, potentially. You also want to communicate with your constituents. The test turns into the payment.
This goes back to Mr. Conacher's volunteer lobbying. Volunteer lobbying is not a thing that exists. Volunteer lobbying is free speech. A retired executive who isn't being paid for what they're doing is lending their expertise. They don't benefit from it. If they're getting paid, they benefit from it. We can prove or determine that. Did you get a cheque for doing this work? If yes, that's why the nexus of payment exists in the act. We can actually prove they're doing it.