Do we have enough time?
I really have no idea. I don't know. I just really have no respect for this at all. I think there's an awful lot of damage that's being done. I could carry on from some things that Artur has mentioned, but I have no respect for it.
I think, to profile the leaker—I can provide that—it's someone who's seeing a small piece. It's someone who's not privy to the big picture. They don't see all the work and all the effort that goes into countering certain threats. They're just seeing a little piece of the pie, and then, on their own, I'd say somewhat arrogantly, deciding they have the prerogative to inflict this damage for whatever cause they may have.
I think some of this is being filtered a bit and a little embellished by the media to provide a certain nobility to it. We may find, when the dust settles, that it's not such a big personality that did this. It may be someone who didn't get enough attention. I really don't put a lot of respect in what this person or people are doing. That's not the reason I'm saying, “Oh, it's not CSIS, because I worked in CSIS, and we're all wonderful,” but people who work in the business don't get mad and angry. They'll go take mindfulness or something if they do. They don't decide, “Oh, this is terrible. They're not responding to our reporting,” and then go to the media.
I really don't think so, because we're talking about professionals. The Canadian intelligence community are professionals. The person leaking it is not necessarily involved in the collection or the assessment; they may just be seeing reports and want to use them for a certain agenda. They may even be manipulating the media as well, if I may say so, to control the whole thing, but I'm convinced that it's someone who's not in the service.
As for speculation, Ottawa is a big town, and there's a lot of paper that was circulating, although I imagine right now there's probably not a lot of paper being circulated and shared. It's anybody's guess, but I think it's somebody who has an agenda, and I think they want to—