Thank you.
We've heard from all three witnesses so far in this study that there has been no foreign interference in this case. We heard from Mr. Trudeau that there was no intent “to influence the Justin Trudeau government by a donation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation”, that there was no mystery “around the identity of the donors or their affiliation”, and that there was nothing “illegitimate about [his] signing of the donation contract”. He said that there were no “irregularities around the issuance of the charitable receipt”, no inappropriate or unusual instructions from the donor to the foundation, no refusal on the part of certain board members to recuse themselves from an investigation of the donation, no legal advice from the foundation's lawyers that certain board members had conflicts of interest and that governance charges were required, and that the foundation did not seek to influence the government of Justin Trudeau or even had any connection with the government of Justin Trudeau.
Do you agree with all those statements, as well, sir?