Thank you.
One of the key functions of the office is demonstrated in its commitment to providing timely, expert advice to regulatees such as public office holders and members of the House of Commons. A team of advisers provides confidential one-on-one advice that has been instrumental in preventing conflicts of interest before they arise, in promoting responsible decision-making and in safeguarding the public's interests.
This group has been stretched, as the number of regulatees has grown by 6% in the last five years, or by 178 people. This growth is in fact a 15% increase in reporting public office holders, which is the group that requires the most interaction with an adviser as part of the initial compliance process. The reallocation of funds has added one more full-time employee to this team.
With the intention of ensuring that regulatees better understand the requirements of the Conflict of Interest Act and the code, the office has expanded its educational programs. The first step was two important surveys that were undertaken in 2022, one for all public office holders and a second tailored to members of the House of Commons. The response rates for each of these surveys were 30% and 43% respectively, which has provided good insight for our planning.
Recognizing the importance of proactive measures, the office has implemented initiatives aimed at preventing conflicts of interest by educating regulatees about their obligations. It aims to foster a culture of integrity and ethical behaviour throughout the tenure of all regulatees, with further learning reinforced during initial compliance meetings and with ongoing discussions with a personal adviser. Anticipating the changes to the code that pertain to education, former commissioner Dion prioritized funds for this fiscal year to prepare to provide individualized mandatory training for members within the first 120 days of their confirmation of election.
One of the notable accomplishments of the office has been its dedication to the publication of reports and related investigations into potential conflicts of interest in a timely manner. All reports by former commissioner Dion were completed within a year, and in his last year as commissioner, five reports were published.
Given the work undertaken over the past year, the office is well positioned moving forward.
We welcome any questions the committee might have about the work of the office.