I didn't discredit his reporting; his reporting discredited itself.
I'm also astonished to hear a panellist and a Conservative member of Parliament actually suggest that the former governor general has somehow been compromised by the PRC. This is the kind of hysteria that I alluded to in my statement that is so dangerous to the reputations of loyal Canadians who have worked to serve their communities and this country. It is disgraceful. I hope that reasonable members of Parliament on this committee don't accept but reject outright those kinds of slimy allegations against loyal Canadians.
I have written about and cautioned and warned members of not only this committee but also other committees and Canadians more generally to really reject these kinds of insinuations, which began in 2010 with Richard Fadden and the speech he gave at the time, which was discredited, ironically, by The Globe and Mail, which called his remarks foolish and reckless, and he had to walk back on them later on.
I'm just astonished that a Conservative member of Parliament would infer that the former governor general of Canada is somehow compromised by the PRC. This is the ugliness. This stuff is the gutter. It really is the gutter.